Assess your operational efficiency
Identify and quantify current strengths and future opportunities in your food retail operations. The Food Retail Store-Level Assessment delivers a concise overview of your business’s equipment efficiencies and best operational practices, resulting in a quantifiable impact report of your operations- current and potential. This is the first step to qualify for a USDA Rural Energy for America Project (REAP) grant. Start the process today to fund energy efficiency upgrades in your grocery store!

Spend 30 minutes

Answer 20 questions

Get your report
Go from reactive to proactive

The financial and climate impact of your current operations, including: equipment in place, no-cost operational practices, utility rate comparisons, waste and recycling, water usage, refrigerants, and air infiltration.

Potential areas for profit improvement, from no-cost practices that reduce your energy consumption today to capital improvements you can plan down the road.

With current best practices in food retail and use your results to engage customers and associates with your store’s mission.

Operations and equipment with the biggest impact to your bottom line and develop a roadmap for the long term health of your business.